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MCMC sampling#

In this example, we demonstrate how to perform uncertainty quantification (UQ) using parallel tempered MCMC (PTMCMC). We use a Stillinger-Weber (SW) potential for silicon that is archived in OpenKIM_.

For simplicity, we only set the energy-scaling parameters, i.e., A and lambda as the tunable parameters. Furthermore, these parameters are physically constrained to be positive, thus we will work in log parameterization, i.e. log(A) and log(lambda). These parameters will be calibrated to energies and forces of a small dataset, consisting of 4 compressed and stretched configurations of diamond silicon structure.

To start, let’s first install the SW model::

$ kim-api-collections-management install user SW_StillingerWeber_1985_Si__MO_405512056662_006

.. seealso:: This installs the model and its driver into the User Collection. See install_model for more information about installing KIM models.

from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
from corner import corner

from kliff.calculators import Calculator
from kliff.dataset import Dataset
from kliff.dataset.weight import MagnitudeInverseWeight
from kliff.loss import Loss
from kliff.models import KIMModel
from kliff.models.parameter_transform import LogParameterTransform
from kliff.uq import MCMC, autocorr, mser, rhat
from kliff.utils import download_dataset
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 4
      1 from multiprocessing import Pool
      3 import numpy as np
----> 4 from corner import corner
      6 from kliff.calculators import Calculator
      7 from kliff.dataset import Dataset

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'corner'

Before running MCMC, we need to define a loss function and train the model. More detail information about this step can be found in tut_kim_sw and tut_params_transform.

# Instantiate a transformation class to do the log parameter transform
param_names = ["A", "lambda"]
params_transform = LogParameterTransform(param_names)

# Create the model
model = KIMModel(

# Set the tunable parameters and the initial guess
opt_params = {
    "A": [["default", -8.0, 8.0]],
    "lambda": [["default", -8.0, 8.0]],


# Get the dataset and set the weights
dataset_path = download_dataset(dataset_name="Si_training_set_4_configs")
# Instantiate the weight class
weight = MagnitudeInverseWeight(
        "energy_weight_params": [0.0, 0.1],
        "forces_weight_params": [0.0, 0.1],
# Read the dataset and compute the weight
tset = Dataset(dataset_path, weight=weight)
configs = tset.get_configs()

# Create calculator
calc = Calculator(model)
ca = calc.create(configs)

# Instantiate the loss function
residual_data = {"normalize_by_natoms": False}
loss = Loss(calc, residual_data=residual_data)

# Train the model
loss.minimize(method="L-BFGS-B", options={"disp": True})

To perform MCMC simulation, we use :class:~kliff.uq.MCMC.This class interfaces with ptemcee_ Python package to run PTMCMC, which utilizes the affine invariance property of MCMC sampling. We simulate MCMC sampling at several different temperatures to explore the effect of the scale of bias and overall error bars.

# Define some variables that correspond to the dimensionality of the problem
ntemps = 4  # Number of temperatures to simulate
ndim = calc.get_num_opt_params()  # Number of parameters
nwalkers = 2 * ndim  # Number of parallel walkers to simulate

We start by instantiating :class:~kliff.uq.MCMC. This requires :class:~kliff.loss.Loss instance to construct the likelihood function. Additionally, we can specify the prior (or log-prior to be more precise) via the logprior_fn argument, with the default option be a uniform prior that is bounded over a finite range that we specify via the logprior_args argument.


When user uses the default uniform prior but doesn't specify the bounds, then the sampler will retrieve the bounds from the model (see :meth:`~kliff.models.KIMModel.set_opt_params`). Note that an error will be raised when the uniform prior extends to infinity in any parameter direction.

To specify the sampling temperatures to use, we can use the arguments ntemps and Tmax_ratio to set how many temperatures to simulate and the ratio of the highest temperature to the natural temperature $T_0$, respectively. The default values of ntemps and Tmax_ratio are 10 and 1.0, respectively. Then, an internal function will create a list of logarithmically spaced points from $T = 1.0$ to $T = T_{\text{max_ratio}} \times T_0$. Alternatively, we can also give a list of the temperatures via Tladder argument, which will overwrites ntemps and Tmax_ratio.


It has been shown that including temperatures higher than $T_0$ helps the convergence of walkers sampled at $T_0$.

The sampling processes can be parallelized by specifying the pool. Note that the pool needs to be declared after instantiating :class:~kliff.uq.MCMC, since the posterior function is defined during this process.

# Set the boundaries of the uniform prior
bounds = np.tile([-8.0, 8.0], (ndim, 1))

# It is a good practice to specify the random seed to use in the calculation to generate
# a reproducible simulation.
seed = 1717

# Create a sampler
sampler = MCMC(
# Declare a pool to use parallelization
sampler.pool = Pool(nwalkers)


As a default, the algorithm will set the number of walkers for each sampling temperature to be twice the number of parameters, but we can also specify it via the ``nwalkers`` argument.

To run the MCMC sampling, we use :meth:~kliff.uq.MCMC.run_mcmc. This function requires us to provide initial states $p_0$ for each temperature and walker. We also need to specify the number of steps or iterations to take.


The initial states $p_0$ need to be an array with shape ``(K, L, N,)``, where ``K``, ``L``, and ``N`` are the number of temperatures, walkers, and parameters, respectively.

# Initial starting point. This should be provided by the user.
p0 = np.empty((ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for ii, bound in enumerate(bounds):
    p0[:, :, ii] = np.random.uniform(*bound, (4, 4))

# Run MCMC
sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 5000)

# Retrieve the chain
chain = sampler.chain

The resulting chains still need to be processed. First, we need to discard the first few iterations in the beginning of each chain as a burn-in time. This is similar to the equilibration time in a molecular dynamic simulation before we can start the measurement. KLIFF provides a function to estimate the burn-in time, based on the Marginal Standard Error Rule (MSER). This can be accessed via :func:~kliff.uq.mcmc_utils.mser.

# Estimate equilibration time using MSER for each temperature, walker, and dimension.
mser_array = np.empty((ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for tidx in range(ntemps):
    for widx in range(nwalkers):
        for pidx in range(ndim):
            mser_array[tidx, widx, pidx] = mser(
                chain[tidx, widx, :, pidx], dmin=0, dstep=10, dmax=-1

burnin = int(np.max(mser_array))
print(f"Estimated burn-in time: {burnin}")


:func:`~kliff.uq.mcmc_utils.mser` only compute the estimation of the burn-in time for one single temperature, walker, and parameter. Thus, we need to calculate the burn-in time for each temperature, walker, and parameter separately.

After discarding the first few iterations as the burn-in time, we only want to keep every $\tau$-th iteration from the remaining chain, where $\tau$ is the autocorrelation length, to ensure uncorrelated samples. This calculation can be done using :func:~kliff.uq.mcmc_utils.autocorr.

# Estimate the autocorrelation length for each temperature
chain_no_burnin = chain[:, :, burnin:]

acorr_array = np.empty((ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for tidx in range(ntemps):
    acorr_array[tidx] = autocorr(chain_no_burnin[tidx], c=1, quiet=True)

thin = int(np.ceil(np.max(acorr_array)))
print(f"Estimated autocorrelation length: {thin}")


:func:`~kliff.uq.mcmc_utils.acorr` is a wrapper for emcee.autocorr.integrated_time_, As such, the shape of the input array for this function needs to be ``(L, M, N,)``, where ``L``, ``M``, and ``N`` are the number of walkers, steps, and parameters, respectively. This also implies that we need to perform the calculation for each temperature separately.

Finally, after obtaining the independent samples, we need to assess whether the resulting samples have converged to a stationary distribution, and thus a good representation of the actual posterior. This is done by computing the potential scale reduction factor (PSRF), denoted by $\hat{R}^p$. The value of $\hat{R}^p$ declines to 1 as the number of iterations goes to infinity. A common threshold is about 1.1, but higher threshold has also been used.

# Assess the convergence for each temperature
samples = chain_no_burnin[:, :, ::thin]

threshold = 1.1  # Threshold for rhat
rhat_array = np.empty(ntemps)
for tidx in range(ntemps):
    rhat_array[tidx] = rhat(samples[tidx])

print(f"$\hat{{r}}^p$ values: {rhat_array}")


:func:`~kliff.uq.mcmc_utils.rhat` only computes the PSRF for one temperature, so that the calculation needs to be carried on for each temperature separately.

Notice that in this case, $\hat{R}^p < 1.1$ for all temperatures. When this criteria is not satisfied, then the sampling process should be continued. Note that some sampling temperatures might converge at slower rates compared to the others.

After obtaining the independent samples from the MCMC sampling, the uncertainty of the parameters can be obtained by observing the distribution of the samples. As an example, we will use corner_ Python package to present the MCMC result at sampling temperature 1.0 as a corner plot.

# Plot samples at T=1.0
corner(samples[0].reshape((-1, ndim)), labels=[r"$\log(A)$", r"$\log(\lambda)$"])


As an alternative, KLIFF also provides a wrapper to emcee_. This can be accessed by setting ``sampler="emcee"`` when instantiating :class:`~kliff.uq.MCMC`. For further documentation, see :class:`~kliff.uq.EmceeSampler`.