Contributing guide#

We welcome all kinds of contributions to KLIFF – typo fix, bug reports, feature requests, and documentation improvements. If you are interested in contributing to KLIFF, please read this guide. If you have any questions, please feel free to open an issue or contact us.

Code style#

KLIFF adopts the Google style for docstrings in Python code. Other docs like this file is written in MyST markdown, which is an extension of the standard markdown. If you are familiar with the standard markdown, it should be easy to write in MyST.

KLIFF uses isort, black a set of other tools to format and statically check the correctness of the code. These tools are already configured using pre-commit. To use it,

Install pre-commit#

pip install pre-commit

Install pre-commit hooks for KLIFF#

cd kliff
pre-commit install

Run pre-commit checks#

pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure

This will run all the checks on all files. If there are warnings and errors reported, you can fix them and then commit the changes.


After pre-commit install the checks will be run automatically before each commit. You can do pre-commit uninstall to disable the checks.


If you are contributing new codes, please add tests for them. All the tests are placed in the kliff/tests directory. We use pytest for testing. After adding a new test, you can run it locally to make sure it passes.

First install the dependencies for testing:

cd kliff
pip install -e ".[tests]"

Then run the tests:


This will run all the tests. If you want to run a specific test, you can do

pytest path/to/your/awesome/

Build the docs locally#

You can generate the docs (including the tutorials) locally. First, install the dependencies for building the docs:

cd kliff
pip install -e ".[docs]"

Then you can build the docs:

cd docs
make html

The generated docs will be at kliff/docs/build/html/index.html, and you can open it in a browser.


If you have great tutorials, please write it in Jupyter notebook and place them in the kliff/docs/tutorials directory. Then update the kliff/docs/tutorials.rst file to include the new tutorials. After this, the tutorials will be automatically built and included in the docs.

In your Jupyter notebook, you can use MyST markdown to write the text.


We are in the process of migrating some of the docs from RestructuredText to MyST markdown. So you may see some of the docs are written in RestructuredText, and some links may be broken. We will fix them soon.