Source code for kliff.loss

import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from loguru import logger

from kliff import parallel
from kliff.calculators.calculator import Calculator, _WrapperCalculator
from kliff.dataset.weight import Weight
from kliff.error import report_import_error

    import torch

    torch_avail = True
except ImportError:
    torch_avail = False

    from mpi4py import MPI

    mpi4py_avail = True
except ImportError:
    mpi4py_avail = False

    from geodesicLM import geodesiclm

    geodesicLM_avail = True
except ImportError:
    geodesicLM_avail = False

[docs]def energy_forces_residual( identifier: str, natoms: int, weight: Weight, prediction: np.array, reference: np.array, data: Dict[str, Any], ): """ A residual function using both energy and forces. The residual is computed as .. code-block:: weight.config_weight * wi * (prediction - reference) where ``wi`` can be ``weight.energy_weight`` or ``weight.forces_weight``, depending on the property. Args: identifier: (unique) identifier of the configuration for which to compute the residual. This is useful when you want to weigh some configuration differently. natoms: number of atoms in the configuration weight: an instance that computes the weight of the configuration in the loss function. prediction: prediction computed by calculator, 1D array reference: references data for the prediction, 1D array data: additional data for calculating the residual. Supported key value pairs are: - normalize_by_atoms: bool (default: True) If ``normalize_by_atoms`` is ``True``, the residual is divided by the number of atoms in the configuration. Returns: 1D array of the residual Note: The length of `prediction` and `reference` (call it `S`) are the same, and it depends on `use_energy` and `use_forces` in Calculator. Assume the configuration contains of `N` atoms. 1. If `use_energy == True` and `use_forces == False`, then `S = 1`. `prediction[0]` is the potential energy computed by the calculator, and `reference[0]` is the reference energy. 2. If `use_energy == False` and `use_forces == True`, then `S = 3N`. `prediction[3*i+0]`, `prediction[3*i+1]`, and `prediction[3*i+2]` are the x, y, and z component of the forces on atom i in the configuration, respectively. Correspondingly, `reference` is the 3N concatenated reference forces. 3. If `use_energy == True` and `use_forces == True`, then `S = 3N + 1`. `prediction[0]` is the potential energy computed by the calculator, and `reference[0]` is the reference energy. `prediction[3*i+1]`, `prediction[3*i+2]`, and `prediction[3*i+3]` are the x, y, and z component of the forces on atom i in the configuration, respectively. Correspondingly, `reference` is the 3N concatenated reference forces. """ # extract up the weight information config_weight = weight.config_weight energy_weight = weight.energy_weight forces_weight = weight.forces_weight # obtain residual and properly normalize it residual = config_weight * (prediction - reference) residual[0] *= energy_weight residual[1:] *= forces_weight if data["normalize_by_natoms"]: residual /= natoms return residual
[docs]def energy_residual( identifier: str, natoms: int, weight: Weight, prediction: np.array, reference: np.array, data: Dict[str, Any], ): """ A residual function using just the energy. See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for the meaning of the arguments. """ # extract up the weight information config_weight = weight.config_weight energy_weight = weight.energy_weight # obtain residual and properly normalize it residual = config_weight * energy_weight * (prediction - reference) if data["normalize_by_natoms"]: residual /= natoms return residual
[docs]def forces_residual( identifier: str, natoms: int, weight: Weight, prediction: np.array, reference: np.array, data: Dict[str, Any], ): """ A residual function using just the forces. See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for the meaning of the arguments. """ # extract up the weight information config_weight = weight.config_weight forces_weight = weight.forces_weight # obtain residual and properly normalize it residual = config_weight * forces_weight * (prediction - reference) if data["normalize_by_natoms"]: residual /= natoms return residual
[docs]class Loss: """ Loss function class to optimize the potential parameters. This is a wrapper over :class:`LossPhysicsMotivatedModel` and :class:`LossNeuralNetworkModel` to provide a united interface. You can use the two classes directly. Args: calculator: Calculator to compute prediction from atomic configuration using a potential model. nprocs: Number of processes to use.. residual_fn: function to compute residual, e.g. :meth:`energy_forces_residual`, :meth:`energy_residual`, and :meth:`forces_residual`. See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for the signature of the function. Default to :meth:`energy_forces_residual`. residual_data: data passed to ``residual_fn``; can be used to fine tune the residual function. Default to { "normalize_by_natoms": True, } See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for more. """ def __new__( self, calculator, nprocs: int = 1, residual_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, residual_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): if isinstance(calculator, Calculator): return LossPhysicsMotivatedModel( calculator, nprocs, residual_fn, residual_data ) else: return LossNeuralNetworkModel( calculator, nprocs, residual_fn, residual_data )
[docs]class LossPhysicsMotivatedModel: """ Loss function class to optimize the physics-based potential parameters. Args: calculator: Calculator to compute prediction from atomic configuration using a potential model. nprocs: Number of processes to use.. residual_fn: function to compute residual, e.g. :meth:`energy_forces_residual`, :meth:`energy_residual`, and :meth:`forces_residual`. See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for the signature of the function. Default to :meth:`energy_forces_residual`. residual_data: data passed to ``residual_fn``; can be used to fine tune the residual function. Default to { "normalize_by_natoms": True, } See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for more. """ scipy_minimize_methods = [ "Nelder-Mead", "Powell", "CG", "BFGS", "Newton-CG", "L-BFGS-B", "TNC", "COBYLA", "SLSQP", "trust-constr", "dogleg", "trust-ncg", "trust-exact", "trust-krylov", ] scipy_minimize_methods_not_supported_args = ["bounds"] scipy_least_squares_methods = ["trf", "dogbox", "lm", "geodesiclm"] scipy_least_squares_methods_not_supported_args = ["bounds"] def __init__( self, calculator: Calculator, nprocs: int = 1, residual_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, residual_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): default_residual_data = { "normalize_by_natoms": True, } residual_data = _check_residual_data(residual_data, default_residual_data) self.calculator = calculator self.nprocs = nprocs if residual_fn is None: if calculator.use_energy and calculator.use_forces: residual_fn = energy_forces_residual elif calculator.use_energy: residual_fn = energy_residual elif calculator.use_forces: residual_fn = forces_residual self.residual_fn = residual_fn self.residual_data = residual_data logger.debug(f"`{self.__class__.__name__}` instantiated.")
[docs] def minimize(self, method: str = "L-BFGS-B", **kwargs): """ Minimize the loss. Args: method: minimization methods as specified at: kwargs: extra keyword arguments that can be used by the scipy optimizer """ kwargs = self._adjust_kwargs(method, **kwargs)"Start minimization using method: {method}.") result = self._scipy_optimize(method, **kwargs)"Finish minimization using method: {method}.") # update final optimized parameters self.calculator.update_model_params(result.x) return result
def _adjust_kwargs(self, method, **kwargs): """ Check kwargs and adjust them as necessary. """ if method in self.scipy_least_squares_methods: # check support status for i in self.scipy_least_squares_methods_not_supported_args: if i in kwargs: raise LossError( f"Argument `{i}` should not be set via the `minimize` method. " "It it set internally." ) # adjust bounds if self.calculator.has_opt_params_bounds(): if method in ["trf", "dogbox"]: bounds = self.calculator.get_opt_params_bounds() lb = [b[0] if b[0] is not None else -np.inf for b in bounds] ub = [b[1] if b[1] is not None else np.inf for b in bounds] bounds = (lb, ub) kwargs["bounds"] = bounds else: raise LossError(f"Method `{method}` cannot handle bounds.") elif method in self.scipy_minimize_methods: # check support status for i in self.scipy_minimize_methods_not_supported_args: if i in kwargs: raise LossError( f"Argument `{i}` should not be set via the `minimize` method. " "It it set internally." ) # adjust bounds if self.calculator.has_opt_params_bounds(): if method in ["L-BFGS-B", "TNC", "SLSQP"]: bounds = self.calculator.get_opt_params_bounds() kwargs["bounds"] = bounds else: raise LossError(f"Method `{method}` cannot handle bounds.") else: raise LossError(f"Minimization method `{method}` not supported.") return kwargs def _scipy_optimize(self, method, **kwargs): """ Minimize the loss use scipy.optimize.least_squares or scipy.optimize.minimize methods. A user should not call this function, but should call the ``minimize`` method. """ size = parallel.get_MPI_world_size() if size > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank()"Running in MPI mode with {size} processes.") if self.nprocs > 1: logger.warning( f"Argument `nprocs = {self.nprocs}` provided at initialization is " f"ignored. When running in MPI mode, the number of processes " f"provided along with the `mpiexec` (or `mpirun`) command is used." ) x = self.calculator.get_opt_params() if method in self.scipy_least_squares_methods: # geodesic LM if method == "geodesiclm": if not geodesicLM_avail: report_import_error("geodesiclm") else: minimize_fn = geodesiclm else: minimize_fn = scipy.optimize.least_squares func = self._get_residual_MPI elif method in self.scipy_minimize_methods: minimize_fn = scipy.optimize.minimize func = self._get_loss_MPI if rank == 0: result = minimize_fn(func, x, method=method, **kwargs) # notify other process to break func break_flag = True for i in range(1, size): comm.send(break_flag, dest=i, tag=i) else: func(x) result = None result = comm.bcast(result, root=0) return result else: # 1. running MPI with 1 process # 2. running without MPI at all # both cases are regarded as running without MPI if self.nprocs == 1:"Running in serial mode.") else: f"Running in multiprocessing mode with {self.nprocs} processes." ) # Maybe one thinks he is using MPI because nprocs is used if mpi4py_avail: logger.warning( "`mpi4py` detected. If you try to run in MPI mode, you should " "execute your code via `mpiexec` (or `mpirun`). If not, ignore " "this message." ) x = self.calculator.get_opt_params() if method in self.scipy_least_squares_methods: if method == "geodesiclm": if not geodesicLM_avail: report_import_error("geodesiclm") else: minimize_fn = geodesiclm else: minimize_fn = scipy.optimize.least_squares func = self._get_residual elif method in self.scipy_minimize_methods: minimize_fn = scipy.optimize.minimize func = self._get_loss result = minimize_fn(func, x, method=method, **kwargs) return result def _get_residual(self, x): """ Compute the residual in serial or multiprocessing mode. This is a callable for optimizing method in scipy.optimize.least_squares, which is passed as the first positional argument. Args: x: optimizing parameter values, 1D array """ # publish params x to predictor self.calculator.update_model_params(x) cas = self.calculator.get_compute_arguments() # TODO the if else could be combined if isinstance(self.calculator, _WrapperCalculator): calc_list = self.calculator.get_calculator_list() X = zip(cas, calc_list) if self.nprocs > 1: residuals = parallel.parmap2( self._get_residual_single_config, X, self.residual_fn, self.residual_data, nprocs=self.nprocs, tuple_X=True, ) residual = np.concatenate(residuals) else: residual = [] for ca, calc in X: current_residual = self._get_residual_single_config( ca, calc, self.residual_fn, self.residual_data ) residual = np.concatenate((residual, current_residual)) else: if self.nprocs > 1: residuals = parallel.parmap2( self._get_residual_single_config, cas, self.calculator, self.residual_fn, self.residual_data, nprocs=self.nprocs, tuple_X=False, ) residual = np.concatenate(residuals) else: residual = [] for ca in cas: current_residual = self._get_residual_single_config( ca, self.calculator, self.residual_fn, self.residual_data ) residual = np.concatenate((residual, current_residual)) return residual def _get_loss(self, x): """ Compute the loss in serial or multiprocessing mode. This is a callable for optimizing method in scipy.optimize.minimize, which is passed as the first positional argument. Args: x: 1D array, optimizing parameter values """ residual = self._get_residual(x) loss = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(residual) ** 2 return loss def _get_residual_MPI(self, x): def residual_my_chunk(x): # broadcast parameters x = comm.bcast(x, root=0) # publish params x to predictor self.calculator.update_model_params(x) residual = [] for ca in cas: current_residual = self._get_residual_single_config( ca, self.calculator, self.residual_fn, self.residual_data ) residual.extend(current_residual) return residual comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # get my chunk of data cas = self._split_data() while True: if rank == 0: break_flag = False for i in range(1, size): comm.send(break_flag, dest=i, tag=i) residual = residual_my_chunk(x) all_residuals = comm.gather(residual, root=0) return np.concatenate(all_residuals) else: break_flag = comm.recv(source=0, tag=rank) if break_flag: break else: residual = residual_my_chunk(x) all_residuals = comm.gather(residual, root=0) def _get_loss_MPI(self, x): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() residual = self._get_residual_MPI(x) if rank == 0: loss = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(residual) ** 2 else: loss = None return loss # NOTE this function can be called only once, no need to call it each time # _get_residual_MPI is called def _split_data(self): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # get a portion of data based on rank cas = self.calculator.get_compute_arguments() # random.shuffle(cas) rank_size = len(cas) // size # last rank deal with the case where len(cas) cannot evenly divide size if rank == size - 1: cas = cas[rank_size * rank :] else: cas = cas[rank_size * rank : rank_size * (rank + 1)] return cas @staticmethod def _get_residual_single_config(ca, calculator, residual_fn, residual_data): # prediction data calculator.compute(ca) pred = calculator.get_prediction(ca) # reference data ref = calculator.get_reference(ca) conf = ca.conf identifier = conf.identifier weight = conf.weight natoms = conf.get_num_atoms() residual = residual_fn(identifier, natoms, weight, pred, ref, residual_data) return residual
[docs]class LossNeuralNetworkModel(object): """ Loss function class to optimize the ML potential parameters. This is a wrapper over :class:`LossPhysicsMotivatedModel` and :class:`LossNeuralNetworkModel` to provide a united interface. You can use the two classes directly. Args: calculator: Calculator to compute prediction from atomic configuration using a potential model. nprocs: Number of processes to use.. residual_fn: function to compute residual, e.g. :meth:`energy_forces_residual`, :meth:`energy_residual`, and :meth:`forces_residual`. See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for the signature of the function. Default to :meth:`energy_forces_residual`. residual_data: data passed to ``residual_fn``; can be used to fine tune the residual function. Default to { "normalize_by_natoms": True, } See the documentation of :meth:`energy_forces_residual` for more. """ torch_minimize_methods = [ "Adadelta", "Adagrad", "Adam", "SparseAdam", "Adamax", "ASGD", "LBFGS", "RMSprop", "Rprop", "SGD", ] def __init__( self, calculator, nprocs: int = 1, residual_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, residual_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): if not torch_avail: report_import_error("pytorch") default_residual_data = { "normalize_by_natoms": True, } residual_data = _check_residual_data(residual_data, default_residual_data) self.calculator = calculator self.nprocs = nprocs self.residual_fn = ( energy_forces_residual if residual_fn is None else residual_fn ) self.residual_data = residual_data self.optimizer = None self.optimizer_state_path = None logger.debug(f"`{self.__class__.__name__}` instantiated.")
[docs] def minimize( self, method: str = "Adam", batch_size: int = 100, num_epochs: int = 1000, start_epoch: int = 0, **kwargs, ): """ Minimize the loss. Args: method: PyTorch optimization methods, and available ones are: [`Adadelta`, `Adagrad`, `Adam`, `SparseAdam`, `Adamax`, `ASGD`, `LBFGS`, `RMSprop`, `Rprop`, `SGD`] See also: batch_size: Number of configurations used in each minimization step. num_epochs: Number of epochs to carry out the minimization. start_epoch: The starting epoch number. This is typically 0, but if continuing a training, it is useful to set this to the last epoch number of the previous training. kwargs: Extra keyword arguments that can be used by the PyTorch optimizer. """ if method not in self.torch_minimize_methods: raise LossError("Minimization method `{method}` not supported.") # TODO, better not use then as self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.start_epoch = start_epoch"Start minimization using optimization method: {method}.") # optimizing try: self.optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, method)( self.calculator.model.parameters(), **kwargs ) if self.optimizer_state_path is not None: self._load_optimizer_stat(self.optimizer_state_path) except TypeError as e: print(str(e)) idx = str(e).index("argument '") + 10 err_arg = str(e)[idx:].strip("'") raise LossError( f"Argument `{err_arg}` not supported by optimizer `{method}`." ) # data loader loader = self.calculator.get_compute_arguments(batch_size) epoch = 0 # in case never enters loop for epoch in range(self.start_epoch, self.start_epoch + self.num_epochs): # get the loss without any optimization if continue a training if self.start_epoch != 0 and epoch == self.start_epoch: epoch_loss = self._get_loss_epoch(loader) print("Epoch = {:<6d} loss = {:.10e}".format(epoch, epoch_loss)) else: epoch_loss = 0 for ib, batch in enumerate(loader): def closure(): self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self._get_loss_batch(batch) loss.backward() return loss loss = self.optimizer.step(closure) # float() such that do not accumulate history, more memory friendly epoch_loss += float(loss) print("Epoch = {:<6d} loss = {:.10e}".format(epoch, epoch_loss)) self.calculator.save_model(epoch) # print loss from final parameter and save last epoch epoch += 1 epoch_loss = self._get_loss_epoch(loader) print("Epoch = {:<6d} loss = {:.10e}".format(epoch, epoch_loss)) self.calculator.save_model(epoch, force_save=True)"Finish minimization using optimization method: {method}.")
def _get_loss_epoch(self, loader): epoch_loss = 0 for ib, batch in enumerate(loader): loss = self._get_loss_batch(batch) epoch_loss += float(loss) return epoch_loss # TODO this is nice since it is simple and gives user the opportunity to provide a # loss function based on each data point. However, this is slow without # vectorization. Should definitely modify it and use vectorized loss function. # The way going forward is to batch all necessary info in dataloader. # The downsides is that then analytic and machine learning models will have # different interfaces. def _get_loss_batch(self, batch: List[Any], normalize: bool = True): """ Compute the loss of a batch of samples. Args: batch: A list of samples. normalize: If `True`, normalize the loss of the batch by the size of the batch. Note, how to normalize the loss of a single configuration is determined by the `normalize` flag of `residual_data`. """ results = self.calculator.compute(batch) energy_batch = results["energy"] forces_batch = results["forces"] stress_batch = results["stress"] if forces_batch is None: forces_batch = [None] * len(batch) if stress_batch is None: stress_batch = [None] * len(batch) # Instead of loss_batch = 0 and loss_batch += loss in the loop, the below one may # be faster, considering chain rule it needs to take derivatives. # Anyway, it is minimal. Don't worry about it. losses = [] for sample, energy, forces, stress in zip( batch, energy_batch, forces_batch, stress_batch ): loss = self._get_loss_single_config(sample, energy, forces, stress) losses.append(loss) loss_batch = torch.stack(losses).sum() if normalize: loss_batch /= len(batch) return loss_batch def _get_loss_single_config(self, sample, pred_energy, pred_forces, pred_stress): device = self.calculator.model.device if self.calculator.use_energy: pred = pred_energy.reshape(-1) # reshape scalar as 1D tensor ref = sample["energy"].reshape(-1).to(device) if self.calculator.use_forces: ref_forces = sample["forces"].to(device) if self.calculator.use_energy: pred =, pred_forces.reshape(-1))) ref =, ref_forces.reshape(-1))) else: pred = pred_forces.reshape(-1) ref = ref_forces.reshape(-1) if self.calculator.use_stress: ref_stress = sample["stress"].to(device) if self.calculator.use_energy or self.calculator.use_stress: pred =, pred_stress.reshape(-1))) ref =, ref_stress.reshape(-1))) else: pred = pred_stress.reshape(-1) ref = ref_stress.reshape(-1) conf = sample["configuration"] identifier = conf.identifier weight = conf.weight natoms = conf.get_num_atoms() residual = self.residual_fn( identifier, natoms, weight, pred, ref, self.residual_data ) loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(residual, 2)) return loss
[docs] def save_optimizer_state(self, path="optimizer_state.pkl"): """ Save the state dict of optimizer to disk. """, path)
[docs] def load_optimizer_state(self, path="optimizer_state.pkl"): """ Load the state dict of optimizer from file. """ self.optimizer_state_path = path
def _load_optimizer_stat(self, path): self.optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(path))
def _check_residual_data(data: Dict[str, Any], default: Dict[str, Any]): """ Check whether user provided residual data is valid, and add default values if not provided. """ if data is not None: for key, value in data.items(): if key not in default: raise LossError( f"Expect the keys of `residual_data` to be one or combinations of " f"{', '.join(default.keys())}; got {key}. " ) else: default[key] = value return default
[docs]class LossError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(LossError, self).__init__(msg) self.msg = msg