Source code for kliff.descriptors.bispectrum.bispectrum

import numpy as np
from loguru import logger

from kliff.descriptors.bispectrum import bs  # C extension
from kliff.descriptors.descriptor import (
from kliff.neighbor import NeighborList

[docs]class Bispectrum(Descriptor): """Bispectrum descriptor. Process dataset to generate fingerprints using the Bispectrum descriptor as discussed in [Bartok2010]_ and [Thompson2015]_. Parameters ---------- cut_dists: dict Cutoff distances, with key of the form ``A-B`` where ``A`` and ``B`` are atomic species string, and value should be a float. cut_name: str Name of the cutoff function. hyperparams: dict A dictionary of the hyperparams of the descriptor. normalize: bool (optional) If ``True``, the fingerprints is centered and normalized according to: ``zeta = (zeta - mean(zeta)) / stdev(zeta)`` dtype: np.dtype Data type for the generated fingerprints, such as ``np.float32`` and ``np.float64``. Example ------- >>> cut_name = 'cos' >>> cut_dists = {'C-C': 5.0, 'C-H': 4.5, 'H-H': 4.0} >>> hyperparams = {'jmax': 4, 'weight': {'C':1.0, 'H':1.0}} >>> desc = Bispectrum(cut_dists, cut_name, hyperparams) References ---------- .. [Bartok2010] Bartók, Albert P., Mike C. Payne, Risi Kondor, and Gábor Csányi. "Gaussian approximation potentials: The accuracy of quantum mechanics, without the electrons." Physical review letters 104, no. 13 (2010): 136403. .. [Thompson2015] Thompson, Aidan P., Laura P. Swiler, Christian R. Trott, Stephen M. Foiles, and Garritt J. Tucker. "Spectral neighbor analysis method for automated generation of quantum-accurate interatomic potentials." Journal of Computational Physics 285 (2015): 316-330. """ def __init__( self, cut_dists, cut_name=None, hyperparams=None, normalize=True, dtype=np.float32, ): super(Bispectrum, self).__init__( cut_dists, cut_name, hyperparams, normalize, dtype ) self.update_hyperparams(self.hyperparams) # init cdesc rfac0 = self.hyperparams["rfac0"] jmax = self.hyperparams["jmax"] diagonalstyle = self.hyperparams["diagonalstyle"] rmin0 = self.hyperparams["rmin0"] switch_flag = self.hyperparams["switch_flag"] bzero_flag = self.hyperparams["bzero_flag"] use_shared_arrays = 0 self._cdesc = bs.Bispectrum( rfac0, 2 * jmax, diagonalstyle, use_shared_arrays, rmin0, switch_flag, bzero_flag, ) self._set_cutoff() self._set_hyperparams()
[docs] def transform(self, conf, grad=False): # neighbor list infl_dist = max(self.cutoff.values()) nei = NeighborList(conf, infl_dist, padding_need_neigh=False) coords = nei.coords image = nei.image species = np.asarray([self.species_code[i] for i in nei.species], dtype=np.intc) numneigh, neighlist = nei.get_numneigh_and_neighlist_1D() Natoms = len(coords) Ncontrib = conf.get_num_atoms() Ndesc = self.get_size() if grad: zeta, dzeta_dr = self._cdesc.compute_zeta_and_dzeta_dr( coords, species, neighlist, numneigh, image, Natoms, Ncontrib, Ndesc ) # reshape to 4D array dzeta_dr = dzeta_dr.reshape(Ncontrib, Ndesc, Ncontrib, 3) else: zeta = self._cdesc.compute_zeta( coords, species, neighlist, numneigh, image, Natoms, Ncontrib, Ndesc ) dzeta_dr = None logger.debug( "\n" + "=" * 25 + "descriptor values (no normalization)" + "=" * 25 ) logger.debug(f"\nconfiguration name: {conf.identifier}") logger.debug("\natomid descriptor values ...") for i, line in enumerate(zeta): s = f"\n{i} " for j in line: s += f"{j:.15g} " logger.debug(s) return zeta, dzeta_dr
[docs] def update_hyperparams(self, params): """Update the hyperparameters based on the input at initialization.""" default_hyperparams = { "jmax": 4, "rfac0": 0.99363, "diagonalstyle": 3, "rmin0": 0, "switch_flag": 1, "bzero_flag": 0, "weight": None, } if params is not None: for key, value in params.items(): if key not in default_hyperparams: raise BispectrumError( 'Hyperparameter "{}" not supported by this descriptor.'.format( key ) ) else: default_hyperparams[key] = value self.hyperparams = default_hyperparams
def _set_cutoff(self): supported = ["cos"] if self.cut_name is None: self.cut_name = supported[0] if self.cut_name not in supported: spd = ['"{}", '.format(s) for s in supported] raise BispectrumError( 'Cutoff "{}" not supported by this descriptor. Use {}.'.format( self.cut_name, spd ) ) self.cutoff = generate_full_cutoff(self.cut_dists) self.species_code = generate_species_code(self.cut_dists) num_species = len(self.species_code) rcutsym = np.zeros([num_species, num_species], dtype=np.double) for si, i in self.species_code.items(): for sj, j in self.species_code.items(): rcutsym[i][j] = self.cutoff[si + "-" + sj] self._cdesc.set_cutoff(self.cut_name, rcutsym) def _set_hyperparams(self): weight_in = self.hyperparams["weight"] if weight_in is None: weight = np.ones(len(self.species_code), dtype=np.double) else: weight = np.zeros(len(self.species_code), dtype=np.double) for spec, code in self.species_code.items(): try: weight[code] = weight_in[spec] except KeyError: raise BispectrumError( '"weight" for species "{}" not provided.'.format(spec) ) self._cdesc.set_weight(weight)
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Return the size of descriptor. """ diagonal = self.hyperparams["diagonalstyle"] twojmax = int(2 * self.hyperparams["jmax"]) N = 0 for j1 in range(0, twojmax + 1): if diagonal == 2: N += 1 elif diagonal == 1: for j in range(0, min(twojmax, 2 * j1) + 1, 2): N += 1 elif diagonal == 0: for j2 in range(0, j1 + 1): for j in range(j1 - j2, min(twojmax, j1 + j2) + 1, 2): N += 1 elif diagonal == 3: for j2 in range(0, j1 + 1): for j in range(j1 - j2, min(twojmax, j1 + j2) + 1, 2): if j >= j1: N += 1 return N
class BispectrumError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(BispectrumError, self).__init__(msg) self.msg = msg