Source code for kliff.dataset.extxyz

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from kliff.error import InputError, KeyNotFoundError

[docs]def read_extxyz( filename: Path, ) -> Tuple[ np.ndarray, List[str], np.ndarray, List[bool], Union[float, None], Union[np.ndarray, None], Union[List[float], None], ]: """ Read atomic configuration stored in extended xyz file_format. Args: filename: filename to the extended xyz file Returns: cell: 3x3 array, supercell lattice vectors species: species of atoms coords: Nx3 array, coordinates of atoms PBC: periodic boundary conditions energy: potential energy of the configuration; `None` if not provided in file forces: Nx3 array, forces on atoms; `None` if not provided in file stress: 1D array of size 6, stress on the cell in Voigt notation; `None` if not provided in file """ with open(filename, "r") as fin: lines = fin.readlines() try: natoms = int(lines[0].split()[0]) except ValueError as e: raise InputError(f"{e}.\nCorrupted data at line 1 of file {filename}.") # lattice vector line = lines[1].replace("'", '"') cell = _parse_key_value(line, "Lattice", "float", 9, filename) cell = np.reshape(cell, (3, 3)) # PBC PBC = _parse_key_value(line, "PBC", "int", 3, filename) # energy is optional try: in_quotes = _check_in_quotes(line, "Energy", filename) energy = _parse_key_value(line, "Energy", "float", 1, filename, in_quotes)[ 0 ] except KeyNotFoundError: energy = None # stress is optional try: stress = _parse_key_value(line, "Stress", "float", 6, filename) except KeyNotFoundError: stress = None # body, species symbol, x, y, z (and fx, fy, fz if provided) species = [] coords = [] forces = [] # if forces provided line = lines[2].strip().split() if len(line) == 4: has_forces = False elif len(line) == 7: has_forces = True else: raise InputError(f"Corrupted data at line 3 of file {filename}.") try: num_lines = 0 for line in lines[2:]: num_lines += 1 line = line.strip().split() if len(line) != 4 and len(line) != 7: raise InputError( f'Corrupted data at line {num_lines + 3} of file "{filename}".' ) if has_forces: symbol, x, y, z, fx, fy, fz = line species.append(symbol.lower().capitalize()) coords.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) forces.append([float(fx), float(fy), float(fz)]) else: symbol, x, y, z = line species.append(symbol.lower().capitalize()) coords.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) except ValueError as e: raise InputError( f"{e}.\nCorrupted data at line {num_lines + 3} of file {filename}." ) if num_lines != natoms: raise InputError( f"Corrupted data file {filename}. Number of atoms is {natoms}, " f"whereas number of data lines is {num_lines}." ) coords = np.asarray(coords) if has_forces: forces = np.asarray(forces) else: forces = None return cell, species, coords, PBC, energy, forces, stress
[docs]def write_extxyz( filename: Path, cell: np.ndarray, species: List[str], coords: np.ndarray, PBC: List[bool], energy: Optional[float] = None, forces: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, stress: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Write configuration info to a file in extended xyz file_format. Args: filename: filename to the extended xyz file cell: 3x3 array, supercell lattice vectors species: species of atoms coords: Nx3 array, coordinates of atoms PBC: periodic boundary conditions energy: potential energy of the configuration; If `None`, not write to file forces: Nx3 array, forces on atoms; If `None`, not write to file stress: 1D array of size 6, stress on the cell in Voigt notation; If `None`, not write to file """ with open(filename, "w") as fout: # first line (number of atoms) natoms = len(species) fout.write("{}\n".format(natoms)) # second line fout.write('Lattice="') for i, line in enumerate(cell): for j, item in enumerate(line): if i == 2 and j == 2: fout.write('{:.15g}" '.format(item)) else: fout.write("{:.15g} ".format(item)) PBC = [int(i) for i in PBC] fout.write('PBC="{} {} {}" '.format(PBC[0], PBC[1], PBC[2])) if energy is not None: fout.write('Energy="{:.15g}" '.format(energy)) if stress is not None: fout.write('Stress="') for i, s in enumerate(stress): if i == 5: fout.write('{:.15g}" '.format(s)) else: fout.write("{:.15g} ".format(s)) properties = "Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3" if forces is not None: properties += ":for:R:3\n" else: properties += "\n" fout.write(properties) # body for i in range(natoms): fout.write("{:2s} ".format(species[i])) fout.write( "{:23.15e} {:23.15e} {:23.15e} ".format( coords[i][0], coords[i][1], coords[i][2] ) ) if forces is not None: fout.write( "{:23.15e} {:23.15e} {:23.15e}".format( forces[i][0], forces[i][1], forces[i][2] ) ) fout.write("\n")
def _parse_key_value( line: str, key: str, dtype: str, size: int, filename: Path, in_quotes: bool = True ) -> List[Any]: """ Given key, parse a string like ``other stuff key="value" other stuff`` to get value. If there is not space in value, the quotes `"` can be omitted. Args: line: The string line. key: Keyword to parse. dtype: Expected data type of value, `int` or `float`. size: Expected size of value. filename: File name where the line comes from. Returns: Values associated with key. """ line = line.strip() key = _check_key(line, key, filename) try: value = line[line.index(key) :] if in_quotes: value = value[value.index('"') + 1 :] value = value[: value.index('"')] else: value = value[value.index("=") + 1 :] value = value.lstrip(" ") value += " " # add an whitespace at end in case this is the last key value = value[: value.index(" ")] value = value.split() except Exception as e: raise InputError(f"{e}.\nCorrupted {key} data at line 2 of file {filename}.") if len(value) != size: raise InputError( f"Incorrect size of {key} at line 2 of file {filename};\n" f"required: {size}, provided: {len(value)}. Possibly, the quotes not match." ) try: if dtype == "float": value = [float(i) for i in value] elif dtype == "int": value = [int(i) for i in value] except Exception as e: raise InputError(f"{e}.\nCorrupted {key} data at line 2 of file {filename}.") return value def _check_key(line, key, filename): """ Check whether a key or its lowercase counter part is in line. """ if key not in line: key_lower = key.lower() if key_lower not in line: raise KeyNotFoundError(f"{key} not found at line 2 of file {filename}.") else: key = key_lower return key def _check_in_quotes(line, key, filename): """ Check whether ``key=value`` or ``key="value"`` in line. """ key = _check_key(line, key, filename) value = line[line.index(key) :] value = value[value.index("=") + 1 :] value = value.lstrip(" ") if value[0] == '"': return True else: return False