Source code for kliff.dataset.dataset

import copy
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from loguru import logger

from kliff.dataset.extxyz import read_extxyz, write_extxyz
from kliff.dataset.weight import Weight
from kliff.utils import to_path

# map from file_format to file extension
SUPPORTED_FORMAT = {"xyz": ".xyz"}

[docs]class Configuration: r""" Class of atomic configuration. This is used to store the information of an atomic configuration, e.g. supercell, species, coords, energy, and forces. Args: cell: A 3x3 matrix of the lattice vectors. The first, second, and third rows are :math:`a_1`, :math:`a_2`, and :math:`a_3`, respectively. species: A list of N strings giving the species of the atoms, where N is the number of atoms. coords: A Nx3 matrix of the coordinates of the atoms, where N is the number of atoms. PBC: A list with 3 components indicating whether periodic boundary condition is used along the directions of the first, second, and third lattice vectors. energy: energy of the configuration. forces: A Nx3 matrix of the forces on atoms, where N is the number of atoms. stress: A list with 6 components in Voigt notation, i.e. it returns :math:`\sigma=[\sigma_{xx},\sigma_{yy},\sigma_{zz},\sigma_{yz},\sigma_{xz}, \sigma_{xy}]`. See: weight: an instance that computes the weight of the configuration in the loss function. identifier: a (unique) identifier of the configuration """ def __init__( self, cell: np.ndarray, species: List[str], coords: np.ndarray, PBC: List[bool], energy: float = None, forces: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, stress: Optional[List[float]] = None, weight: Optional[Weight] = None, identifier: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ): self._cell = cell self._species = species self._coords = coords self._PBC = PBC self._energy = energy self._forces = forces self._stress = stress self._identifier = identifier self._path = None self._weight = Weight() if weight is None else weight self._weight.compute_weight(self) # Compute the weight # TODO enable config weight read in from file
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, filename: Path, weight: Optional[Weight] = None, file_format: str = "xyz", ): """ Read configuration from file. Args: filename: Path to the file that stores the configuration. file_format: Format of the file that stores the configuration (e.g. `xyz`). """ if file_format == "xyz": cell, species, coords, PBC, energy, forces, stress = read_extxyz(filename) else: raise ConfigurationError( f"Expect data file_format to be one of {list(SUPPORTED_FORMAT.keys())}, " f"got: {file_format}." ) cell = np.asarray(cell) species = [str(i) for i in species] coords = np.asarray(coords) PBC = [bool(i) for i in PBC] energy = float(energy) if energy is not None else None forces = np.asarray(forces) if forces is not None else None stress = [float(i) for i in stress] if stress is not None else None self = cls( cell, species, coords, PBC, energy, forces, stress, weight, identifier=str(filename), ) self._path = to_path(filename) return self
[docs] def to_file(self, filename: Path, file_format: str = "xyz"): """ Write the configuration to file. Args: filename: Path to the file that stores the configuration. file_format: Format of the file that stores the configuration (e.g. `xyz`). """ filename = to_path(filename) if file_format == "xyz": write_extxyz( filename, self.cell, self.species, self.coords, self.PBC, self._energy, self._forces, self._stress, ) else: raise ConfigurationError( f"Expect data file_format to be one of {list(SUPPORTED_FORMAT.keys())}, " f"got: {file_format}." )
@property def cell(self) -> np.ndarray: """ 3x3 matrix of the lattice vectors of the configurations. """ return self._cell @property def PBC(self) -> List[bool]: """ A list with 3 components indicating whether periodic boundary condition is used along the directions of the first, second, and third lattice vectors. """ return self._PBC @property def species(self) -> List[str]: """ Species string of all atoms. """ return self._species @property def coords(self) -> np.ndarray: """ A Nx3 matrix of the Cartesian coordinates of all atoms. """ return self._coords @property def energy(self) -> Union[float, None]: """ Potential energy of the configuration. """ if self._energy is None: raise ConfigurationError("Configuration does not contain energy.") return self._energy @property def forces(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return a `Nx3` matrix of the forces on each atoms. """ if self._forces is None: raise ConfigurationError("Configuration does not contain forces.") return self._forces @property def stress(self) -> List[float]: r""" Stress of the configuration. The stress is given in Voigt notation i.e :math:`\sigma=[\sigma_{xx},\sigma_{yy},\sigma_{zz},\sigma_{yz},\sigma_{xz}, \sigma_{xy}]`. """ if self._stress is None: raise ConfigurationError("Configuration does not contain stress.") return self._stress @property def weight(self): """ Get the weight class of the loss function. """ return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, weight: Weight): """ Set the weight of the configuration if the loss function. """ self._weight = weight self._weight.compute_weight(self) @property def identifier(self) -> str: """ Return identifier of the configuration. """ return self._identifier @identifier.setter def identifier(self, identifier: str): """ Set the identifier of the configuration. """ self._identifier = identifier @property def path(self) -> Union[Path, None]: """ Return the path of the file containing the configuration. If the configuration is not read from a file, return None. """ return self._path
[docs] def get_num_atoms(self) -> int: """ Return the total number of atoms in the configuration. """ return len(self.species)
[docs] def get_num_atoms_by_species(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Return a dictionary of the number of atoms with each species. """ return self.count_atoms_by_species()
[docs] def get_volume(self) -> float: """ Return volume of the configuration. """ return abs([0], self.cell[1]), self.cell[2]))
[docs] def count_atoms_by_species( self, symbols: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Count the number of atoms by species. Args: symbols: species to count the occurrence. If `None`, all species present in the configuration are used. Returns: {specie, count}: with `key` the species string, and `value` the number of atoms with each species. """ unique, counts = np.unique(self.species, return_counts=True) symbols = unique if symbols is None else symbols natoms_by_species = dict() for s in symbols: if s in unique: natoms_by_species[s] = counts[list(unique).index(s)] else: natoms_by_species[s] = 0 return natoms_by_species
[docs] def order_by_species(self): """ Order the atoms according to the species such that atoms with the same species have contiguous indices. """ if self.forces is not None: species, coords, forces = zip( *sorted( zip(self.species, self.coords, self.forces), key=lambda pair: pair[0], ) ) self._species = np.asarray(species).tolist() self._coords = np.asarray(coords) self._forces = np.asarray(forces) else: species, coords = zip( *sorted(zip(self.species, self.coords), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) ) self._species = np.asarray(species) self._coords = np.asarray(coords)
[docs]class Dataset: """ A dataset of multiple configurations (:class:`~kliff.dataset.Configuration`). Args: path: Path of a file storing a configuration or filename to a directory containing multiple files. If given a directory, all the files in this directory and its subdirectories with the extension corresponding to the specified file_format will be read. weight: an instance that computes the weight of the configuration in the loss function. file_format: Format of the file that stores the configuration, e.g. `xyz`. """ def __init__( self, path: Optional[Path] = None, weight: Optional[Weight] = None, file_format="xyz", ): self.file_format = file_format if path is not None: self.configs = self._read(path, weight, file_format) else: self.configs = []
[docs] def add_configs(self, path: Path, weight: Optional[Weight] = None): """ Read configurations from filename and added them to the existing set of configurations. This is a convenience function to read configurations from different directory on disk. Args: path: Path the directory (or filename) storing the configurations. weight: an instance that computes the weight of the configuration in the loss function. """ configs = self._read(path, weight, self.file_format) self.configs.extend(configs)
[docs] def get_configs(self) -> List[Configuration]: """ Get the configurations. """ return self.configs
[docs] def get_num_configs(self) -> int: """ Return the number of configurations in the dataset. """ return len(self.configs)
@staticmethod def _read(path: Path, weight: Optional[Weight] = None, file_format: str = "xyz"): """ Read atomic configurations from path. """ try: extension = SUPPORTED_FORMAT[file_format] except KeyError: raise DatasetError( f"Expect data file_format to be one of {list(SUPPORTED_FORMAT.keys())}, " f"got: {file_format}." ) path = to_path(path) if path.is_dir(): parent = path all_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(parent): for f in files: if f.endswith(extension): all_files.append(to_path(root).joinpath(f)) all_files = sorted(all_files) else: parent = path.parent all_files = [path] configs = [ Configuration.from_file(f, copy.copy(weight), file_format) for f in all_files ] if len(configs) <= 0: raise DatasetError( f"No dataset file with file format `{file_format}` found at {parent}." )"{len(configs)} configurations read from {path}") return configs
class ConfigurationError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(ConfigurationError, self).__init__(msg) self.msg = msg class DatasetError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): super(DatasetError, self).__init__(msg) self.msg = msg